NVIDIA emulation journey, part 1: RIVA 128 / NV3 architecture history and basic overview
February 25, 2025 - written by starfrost013
Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series of guest posts by starfrost013 going over the architecture of NVIDIA’s first commercially-successful product, and the ongoing effort to get it emulated on 86Box. It gets more technical than all our previous posts, but there is little detailed information out there on this chip that helped launch NVIDIA into success, so we’ve decided to publish this saga here.
Note: Documents wanted
If you are in possession of any of:
- NVIDIA RIVA 128 Programmers’ Reference Manual
- NVIDIA RIVA 128 Customer Evaluation Kit (we have the NV1 CEK version 1.22)
- NVIDIA RIVA 128 Turnkey Manufacturing Package
- Source code (drivers, VBIOS, etc) related to the NVIDIA RIVA 128
- Any similar documents, excluding the well-known datasheet, with technical information about a GPU going by the name “NV3”, “STG-3000”, “RIVA 128”, “NV3T”, “RIVA 128 Turbo” (an early name for the ZX) or “RIVA 128 ZX”
- Any document, code, or materials relating to a graphics chip by NVIDIA, in association with Sega, Helios Semiconductor or SGS-Thomson (now STMicroelectronics) codenamed “Mutara”, “Mutara V08”, or “NV2”, or relating to a cancelled Sega console codenamed “V08”
- Any documentation relating to RIVA TNT
- Any NVIDIA SDK version that is not 0.81 or 0.83
Please contact me @ thefrozenstar_ on Discord, via the 86Box Discord, my email address ([email protected]) or via the linked GitHub account. These documents would be very helpful in helping me to emulate the NVIDIA RIVA 128 and other NVIDIA graphics cards.
The NVIDIA RIVA 128 is a graphics chip released in 1997 by NVIDIA, nowadays of AI and $2000 overpriced quad-slot GPU fame. It was a Direct3D 5.0-capable accelerator, and one of the first to use a standard graphics API such as DirectX as its “native” API. I have been working on emulating this graphics chip for the last several months; currently, while VGA works and the drivers are loading successfully on Windows 2000, they are not rendering any kind of accelerated output yet. Many people, myself included, have asked for and even tried to develop emulation for this graphics chip and other similar ones (such as its successor, “NV4” or RIVA TNT), but have not succeeded yet, although many of these efforts continue.
In this series, I will explore the architecture and my experiences in emulating this graphics chip, aiming to demystify it once and for all. I can’t guarantee success, but if it was successful, it appears that it would be the first time that a full functional emulation of this chip has been developed; although later NVIDIA chips have been emulated to at least some extent, such as the GeForce 3 in Cxbx-Reloaded and Xemu.
This first part will dive into the history of NVIDIA up to the release of the RIVA 128, and a brief overview of how the chip actually works. The second part will dive into the architecture of NVIDIA’s drivers and how they relate to the hardware, and the third part will follow the lifetime of a graphics object from birth to display on the screen in extreme detail. Then, part four and an unknown number of parts after part four will go into detail on the experiences of developing a functional emulation for this graphics chip.
A not so brief history
NVIDIA was conceived in 1992 by three LSI Logic and Sun Microsystems engineers: Jensen Huang (now one of the world’s richest men, still the CEO and, apparently, mobbed by fans in his country of birth Taiwan), Curtis Priem (whose boss almost convinced him to work on Java instead of founding the company) and Chris Malachowsky (a veteran of graphics chip development). They saw a business opportunity in the PC graphics and audio market, which was dominated by low-end, high-volume players such as S3 Graphics, Tseng Labs, Cirrus Logic and Matrox1. The company was formally founded on April 5, 1993, after all three left their jobs at LSI Logic and Sun between December 1992 and March 1993.
After the requisite $3 million of venture capital funding was acquired (a little nepotism owing to their reputation helped), work immediately began on a first generation graphics chip; this was one of the first of a rush of dozens of companies attempting to develop graphics cards - both established players in the 2D graphics market such as Number Nine and S3, and new companies, almost all of which no longer exist - many of which failed to even release a single graphics card. The name was initially GXNV for “GX next version”, after a graphics chip Malachowsky led the development of at Sun, but Huang requested him to rename the chip to NV1 in order to not get sued. This also inspired the name of the company - NVIDIA, after other names such as “Primal Graphics” and “Huaprimal” were considered and rejected, and their originally chosen name of “Invision” turned out to have been trademarked by a toilet paper company.
In a perhaps ironic twist of fate, toilet paper turned out to be an apt metaphor for the sales, if not quality, of their first product, which Jensen Huang appears to be embarassed to discuss when asked, and has been quoted as saying “You don’t build NV1 because you’re great”. The product was released in 1995 after a two-year development cycle and the creation of what NVIDIA dubbed a hardware simulator, but actually appears to have been simply a set of Windows 3.x drivers intended to emulate their architecture, called the NV0 in 1994.
The NV1
The NV1 was a combination graphics, audio, DRM (yes, really) and game port card implementing what NVIDIA dubbed the “NV Unified Media Architecture” (UMA); the chip was manufactured by SGS-Thomson Microelectronics (now STMicroelectronics) on a 350-nanometer process node, who also white-labelled NVIDIA’s design (which allegedly2 featured a DAC block designed by SGS-Thomson) as the STG-2000, a variant without audio functionality, also called the “NV1-V32” (for 32-bit VRAM) in internal documentation as opposed to NVIDIA’s NV1-D64. The chip was designed to implement a reasonable level of 3D graphics functionality, as well as audio, public-key encryption for DRM purposes (ultimately never used as it would have required the cooperation of software companies) and Sega Saturn game ports, all within a single megabyte of RAM, as memory costs were around $50 a megabyte when initial design began in 1993.
In order to achieve this, many techniques had to be used that ultimately compromised the chip’s 3D rendering quality, such as forward texture mapping, where a texel (output pixel) of a texture is directly mapped to a point on the screen, instead of the more traditional inverse texture mapping, which iterates through pixels and maps texels from those. While this has memory space advantages (as you can cache the texture in the very limited amount of VRAM NVIDIA had to work with very easily), it has many more disadvantages; firstly, this approach does not support UV mapping (a special coordinate system used to map textures to three-dimensional objects) and other aspects of what would be considered to be today basic graphical functionality.
Additionally, the fundamental implementation of 3D rendering used quad patching instead of traditional triangle-based approaches; this has very advantageous implications for things like curved surfaces, and may have been a very effective design for the CAD/CAM customers purchasing more high end 3D products, however, it turned out to not be particularly useful at all for the actually intended target market of gaming. There was also a total lack of Sound Blaster compatibility (very much a requirement for half-decent audio in games back then) in the audio engine, and VGA compatibility was very slow and partially emulated, which led to slow performance in the games people actually played, unless your favourite game was a crappier, slower version of Descent, Virtua Cop or Daytona USA for some reason. Another body blow to NVIDIA was received when Microsoft released Direct3D in 1996 with DirectX 2.0, which not only used triangles, but also became the standard 3D API and deprecated all of the numerous non-OpenGL proprietary APIs of the time, including S3’s S3D and MeTaL3, ATI’s 3DCIF, and NVIDIA’s own NVLIB.
The upshot of all of this was what can be understood as nothing less than the total failure of NVIDIA to sell or convince anyone to develop for NV1 in any way, despite its innovative silicon design. While Diamond Multimedia purchased 250,000 chips to place into their “Edge 3D” series of cards, and other manufacturers produced cards in smaller quantities, barely any of them sold, and those that did sell were often returned, leading to the chips themselves being returned to NVIDIA and hundreds of thousands of chips sitting simply unused in warehouses. Barely any NV1-capable software was released, with the few pieces of software that do exist coming via a partnership with Sega (more on that later), while most others were forced to run under software emulators for Direct3D (or other APIs) written by Priem, which were made possible by the software architecture NVIDIA chose for their drivers, but were slower and worse-looking than software rendering, buggy, and generally extremely unappealing.
NVIDIA lost $6.4 million in 1995 on a revenue of $1.1 million, and $3 million on a revenue of $3.9 million in 1996. Most of the capital that allowed NVIDIA to continue operating were from the milestone payments from SGS-Thomson for developing the chip, their NV2 contract with Sega (again, more on that later), and their venture capital funding, but not from the very few NV1 sales. The NV1 was poorly reviewed, had very little software and ultimately almost no sales; despite various desperate efforts to revive it, including releasing the SDK for free (with a new proprietary NVLIB API for game development as an alternative to direct hardware programming) and by early 1996 straight up begging customers on their website to spam developers with requests to add NV1 support to games, the chip was effectively dead within a year.
The NV2
Nevertheless, NVIDIA grew to close to a hundred employees, including sales and marketing teams. The company, and especially its cofounders, remained confident in their architecture and overall prospects of success. They had managed to solidify a business relationship with Sega, to the point where they had initially won the contract to provide the graphics hardware for the successor to the Sega Saturn, at that time codenamed “V08”. The GPU was codenamed “Mutara” (after the nebula critical to the plot in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) and the overall architecture was the NV2. It maintained many of the functional characteristics of the NV1 and was essentially a more powerful successor to that chip. According to available sources, this would have been the only NVIDIA chip manufactured by the then-just founded Helios Semiconductor.
However, problems started to emerge almost immediately. Game developers, especially Sega’s internal teams, were not happy with having to use a GPU with such a heterodox design; for example, porting games to or from the PC, which Sega did do at the time, would be made far harder. This position was especially championed by Yu Suzuki, head of one of Sega’s most prestigious internal development teams Sega-AM2, responsible for the Daytona USA, Virtua Racing, Virtua Fighter, and Shenmue series among others, who sent his best graphics programmer to interface with NVIDIA and push for the company to change the rendering method to a more traditional triangle-based approach. At this point, the story diverges: some tellings claim that NVIDIA simply refused to accede to Sega’s request and this damaged their relationship irreparably, leading to the NV2’s cancellation; others that the NV2 wasn’t killed until it failed to produce any video during a demonstration, and Sega still paid NVIDIA for developing it to prevent bankruptcy, with a single engineer apparently assigned to (and succeeding at) getting the chip working for the sole purpose of receiving a milestone payment.
At some point, Sega, as a traditional Japanese company, couldn’t simply kill the deal, so the NV2 was officially relegated to be used in the successor to the educational toddler-aimed Sega Pico, while in reality, Sega of America had already been told to “not worry” about NVIDIA anymore. NVIDIA got the hint, and the NV2 was cancelled. With both NV1 and NV2 out of the picture, NVIDIA had no sales, no customers, and barely any money; by late 1996, the company had $3 million in the bank and was burning through $330,000 a month, and most of the NV2 team had been redeployed to the next-generation NV3. No venture capital funding was going to be forthcoming due to the failure to actually create any products people wanted to buy, at least not without extremely unfavourable terms on things like ownership. The company was effectively almost a complete failure and a waste of years of the employees’ time.
Near destruction of the company
By the end of 1996, things had gotten infinitely worse, with the competition heating up extraordinarily fast; despite NV1 being the first texture-mapped consumer GPU ever released, they had been fundamentally outclassed by their competition. It was a one-two punch: initially, Rendition - founded around the same time as NVIDIA in 1993 - released its V1000 chip based on a custom RISC architecture, and while not particularly fast, it was, for a few months, the only chip that could run Quake (the hottest game of 1996) in hardware accelerated mode. The V1000 was an early market leader, alongside S3’s laughably bad ViRGE (Video and Rendering Graphics Engine) which was infamously slower than software rendering on high-end CPUs at launch, and was reserved for high-volume OEM bargain-bin disaster machines.
However, this was nothing compared to the body blow about to hit the entire industry, NVIDIA included. At a conference in early 1996, an $80,000 machine from SiliconGraphics, then the world leader in accelerated graphics, crashed during a demo by the then-CEO Ed McCracken. If accounts of the event are to be believed, while the machine rebooted, people who had heard rumors left the room and headed downstairs to another demo by a then-tiny company made up of ex-SGI employes calling themselves “3D/fx” (later shortened to 3dfx), claiming comparable graphics quality for $250… with demos to prove it. As with many cases of supposed “wonder innovations” in the tech industry, it was too good to be true, but when their card, the “Voodoo Graphics” was first released in the form of the “Righteous 3D” by Orchid in October 1996, it turned out to be true. Despite the fact that it was a 3D-only card and required a 2D card to be installed, and the fact it could not accelerate graphics in a window (which almost all other cards could do), performance was so high relative to other products (including the NV1) that it not only had rave reviews on its own but also kicked off a revolution in consumer 3D graphics, which especially caught fire when GLQuake was released in January 1997.
The reasons for 3dfx being able to design such an effective GPU when all others failed were numerous. The price of RAM plummeted by 80% throughout 1996, allowing the Voodoo’s estimated retail price to be cut from $1000 to $300; many of their staff members came from SiliconGraphics, perhaps the most respected and certainly the largest company in the graphics industry of that time4; and while the Voodoo used a proprietary API called Glide, it also supported OpenGL and Direct3D. Glide was designed to be very similar to OpenGL while allowing for 3dfx to approximate standard graphical techniques, which, as well as their driver design; the Voodoo only accelerates edge interpolation5, texture mapping and blending, span interpolation6, and final presentation of the rendered 3D scene, while the rest is all done in software. All of these factors were key in what proved to be an exceptionally high-quality product at an exceptionally low price for the time.
Meanwhile, NVIDIA effectively had to design a graphics architecture that could at the very least get close to 3dfx’s performance, on a shoestring budget and with very little resources, as 60% of their staff (including the entire sales and marketing teams) had been laid off to preserve money. They could not do a complete redesign of the NV1 from scratch if they felt the need to, as it would take two years (time they simply didn’t have) and any design that came out of this effort would be immediately obsoleted by competitors, such as 3dfx’s Voodoo series, and ATI’s Rage which was initially rather pointless but rapidly advancing in performance and driver stability. The chip would also have to work reasonably well on the first tapeout, as there was no capital to produce more revisions of the chip. The fact NVIDIA were able to achieve a successful design in the form of the NV3 under such conditions was a testament to the intelligence, skill and luck of their designers; we will explore how they managed to achieve this later on this write-up.
The NV3
It was with these financial, competitive and time constraints in mind that design on the NV3 began in 1996. This chip would eventually be commercialised as the RIVA 128, standing for “Real-time Interactive Video and Animation accelerator” followed by a nod to its 128-bit internal bus width, which was very large for the time. NVIDIA retained SGS-Thomson (soon to be STMicroelectronics) as their manufacturing partner, in exchange for SGS-Thomson cancelling their competing STG-3001 GPU. In a similar vein to the NV1, NVIDIA was to sell the chip as “NV3” and SGS-Thomson was to white-label it as STG-3000, once again separated by audio functionality; however, NVIDIA convinced SGS-Thomson to cancel their own part and stick to manufacturing the NV3 instead, which later proved to be a terrible decision when NVIDIA dropped them in favor of TSMC for manufacturing of the RIVA 128 ZX due to both yield issues and pressure from venture capital funders. ST went on to manufacture the PowerVR Kyro series of GPU chips before dropping out of the market entirely by 2002.
After the NV2 disaster, the company made several calls on the NV3’s design that turned out to be very good decisions. First, they acquiesced to Sega’s advice (which they might have already done to save the Mutara V08/NV2, but it was too late) and moved to an inverse texture mapping triangle-based model, although some remnants of the original quad patching design remain. The unused DRM functionality was also removed, which may have been assisted by David Kirk7 taking over from Curtis Priem as chief designer, as Priem insisted on including the DRM functionality with the NV1, citing piracy issues with the game he had written as a demo of the Malachowsky-designed GX GPU back when he worked at Sun.
Another decision that turned out to pay very large dividends was deciding to forgo a native API entirely and build the card around accelerating the most popular graphical APIs, which led to an initial focus on Direct3D, although OpenGL drivers were first publicly released in alpha form in December 1997 and fully in early 1998. DirectX 3.0 was the initial target, and after 4.0 was cancelled due to lack of developer interest in its new functionality, 5.0 came out late during development of the chip, which turned out to be mostly compliant, with the exception of some blending modes such as additive blending which Jensen Huang later claimed was due to Microsoft not giving them the specification in time. This compliance was made much easier by the design of their driver, which allowed (and still allows) graphical APIs to be plugged in as “clients” to the Resource Manager kernel; as I mentioned earlier, this will be explained in full detail later.
The VGA core, previously so separate from the main GPU on the NV1 that it had its own PCI ID, was replaced by a new one licensed from Weitek who would soon exit the graphics market. The core was placed in the chip parallel to the main GPU with its own 32-bit bus, which massively accelerated performance in unaccelerated VESA titles such as Doom, and provided a real advantage over the 3D-only 3dfx cards, especially as their combination SST-96 or Voodoo Rush card used a questionable Alliance chip and was generally considered a failure. Finally, Huang, in his capacity as the CEO, allowed the chip to be expanded (in terms of physical size and number of gates) from its original specification, allowing for a more complex design with more features.
The initial revision of the architecture appears to have been completed in January 1997. Then, aided by hardware simulation software (an actual hardware simulation unlike the NV0) purchased from another almost-bankrupt company, an exhaustive test set was completed. The first bug presented itself almost immediately when the “C” character in the MS-DOS codepage appeared incorrectly, Windows took 15 minutes to boot, and moving the mouse cursor required a map of the screen so you didn’t lose it by moving too far, but ultimately the testing was completed. However, NVIDIA didn’t have the money to respin the silicon for a second stepping if problems appeared, so it had to work at least reasonably well in the first stepping.
RIVA 128
Luckily for NVIDIA, the NV3 chip worked well enough to be sold to their board partners (almost certainly thanks to that hardware simulation package), and the company survived. Most accounts indicate they were only three or four weeks away from bankruptcy; when 3dfx saw the RIVA 128 at its reveal at the CGDC 1997 conference, one founder responded with “you guys are still around?”, considering 3dfx almost bought NVIDIA effectively for the purpose of killing the company as a theoretical competitor, but NVIDIA refused as they assumed they would be bankrupt within months anyway. However, this revision A of the chip was not the one NVIDIA actually commercialised; SGS-Thomson dropped their plans for the STG-3000 at some point, which led NVIDIA, now flush with cash8, to create a new revision of the chip to remove the sound functionality (although some parts remained), fix some errata and make other minor adjustments to the silicon.
The chip was respun, with the revision B silicon being completed in October 1997 and presumably available a month or two later; it is most likely that some revision A cards were sold at retail, but based on the dates, these would have to be very early units9, with the earliest NVIDIA RIVA 128 drivers that I have discovered (labelled as “Version 0.75” and also doubling as the only NV1 drivers for Windows NT) being dated August 1997, and reviews starting to drop on websites such as AnandTech in the first half of September 1997. There are no known drivers available for the audio functionality in the revision A RIVA 128, so anyone wishing to use it would have to write custom drivers.
The RIVA 128 was generally well-reviewed at its launch and considered as the fastest graphics chip released in 1997, beating the Voodoo1 in raw speed but not output video quality, most likely due to NVIDIA’s financial situation leading to rushed development of the chip with shortcuts taken in the design process in order to ship on time. Examples of this lower quality include the lack of support for some of Direct3D 5.0’s blending modes, and the use of per-polygon mipmapping10 instead of the more accurate per-pixel approach, causing seams between different mipmapping layers; the dithering and bilinear texture filtering quality were often criticised as well, and some games exhibited seams between polygons. Furthermore, the drivers were generally very rough at launch, especially if the graphics card was an upgrade and previous drivers were not; while NVIDIA were able to fix many driver issues by the 3.xx versions released in 1998 and 1999, going as far as writing a fairly decent OpenGL ICD, the standards for graphical quality had risen over time and what was considered “decent” in 1997 was considered to be “bad” and even “awful” by 1999.
Nevertheless, over a million RIVA 128 units sold within a few months, and NVIDIA’s immediate existence as a company was secured; an enhanced version (revision C, also called “NV3T”) was released in March 1998 as the RIVA 128 ZX, in order to compete with the Intel/Lockheed Martin i740, a chip which was hyped as being very fast on paper but turned out to be not very good, leading to Intel starting their long line of sub-par integrated GPUs before finally returning to the discrete market in recent years under the Arc brand, with the current Battlemage line being their 13th or 16th generation product depending on who you ask.
After all of this history and exposition, we are finally ready to actually explore the GPU behind the RIVA 128 series. I refer to it as NV3 as a catch-all term for all chips using this architecture, including the RIVA 128, RIVA 128 ZX, and the hypothetical STG-3000. Note that the 32-bit Weitek VGA core’s architecture will not be discussed at length here unless absolutely required, as it is pretty much a standard SVGA core, and really is not that interesting compared to the main GPU; they’re not even substantially integrated, although there are a few areas in the design that allow the main GPU to write directly to the Weitek’s registers.
Architectural overview
NV3 is the third-generation NV architecture designed by NVIDIA in 1997, commercialised as the RIVA 128 family. It implements a fixed-function 2D and 3D render path primarily aimed at desktop software and video games, with hardware acceleration best described as partial by modern standards, but one of the more complete, fully-featured solutions for 1997. It can be attached through the legacy PCI 2.1 bus or AGP 1X (2X on the RIVA 128 ZX), a higher-speed superset of PCI designed for graphics which was brand new at the time but ultimately proved successful.
The primary goals of this architecture were low manufacturing cost, short development time (due to NVIDIA’s dire financial condition at the time), and beating the 3dfx Voodoo1 in raw pixel pushing performance. It generally achieved these goals with caveats, with a bulk cost of $15 per chip, a design period of around 9 months (excluding Revision B), and performance generally better than that of the Voodoo, in spite of 3dfx’s more integrated Glide API, and NVIDIA’s smaller performance advantage with large triangles as compared to smaller ones.
While the focus of study has been the Revision B card, efforts have been made to understand the A and C revisions as well. Each revision has different values for the GPU ID in the framebuffer boot configuration register in MMIO space (at offset 0x100000
) and the PCI configuration space Revision ID register:
Revision | NV_PFB_BOOT_0 value | PCI revision ID |
A | 0x30100 |
0x00 |
B | 0x30110 |
0x10 |
C | 0x30120 |
0x20 |
There is a common misconception that the PCI ID is different on RIVA 128 ZX chips; this is partially true, but misleading. The standard NV3 architecture uses a PCI vendor ID of 0x12D2
(identified as “NVidia / SGS Thomson (Joint Venture)” by The PCI ID Repository) instead of NVIDIA’s own 0x10DE
, with a device ID of 0x0018
, or 0x0019
on a RIVA 128 ZX with ACPI enabled. However, the presence of a 0x0019
device ID is not sufficient for a RIVA 128 ZX to be detected as such; the revision must be C, or 0x20
, regardless of device ID, as confirmed through VBIOS and driver reverse engineering. Since the device ID can be either value, the best way to check is to use the revision ID encoded into the board at manufacturing time, through the NV_PFB_BOOT_0 register or PCI configuration space.
The NV3 architecture incorporates accelerated triangle setup (the Voodoo is limited to around 2/3 of that), the aforementioned span and edge interpolation, texture mapping, blending, and final presentation. It does not accelerate the initial polygon transformation or lighting rendering phases. It is capable of rendering in 2D at a resolution of up to 1280x1024 (at least 1600x1200 in ZX, not sure what?) and 32-bit colour. 3D rendering is only possible in 16-bit colour, and at 960x720 or lower in a 4 MB card due to a lack of VRAM. EDID is supported for monitor identification via an entirely software-programmed I2C bus.
While 2 MB and even 1 MB cards were planned, they were seemingly never released. The level of pain of using them can only be imagined; there were also low-end cards released that only used a 64-bit bus, handled using a manufacture-time configuration mechanism (sometimes exposed via DIP switches) known as straps, which will be explained in Part 2. To compete with the i740, the RIVA 128 ZX had, among other changes that will be described later, an increased amount of VRAM (8 MB) also allowing it to render 3D at higher resolutions of up to 1280x1024.
The design of the RIVA is very complex compared to other contemporaneous video cards. I am not sure why such a complex design was used, but it was inherited from the NV1; the only real reason I can think of is that the overengineered design is intended to be future-proof and easy to enhance without requiring complete rewiring of the silicon, as many other companies had to do. The GPU is split into a around a dozen subsystems (functional hardware blocks), each with names starting in P
for some reason; some examples are PGRAPH
and PBUS
. Presumably, a subsystem has a 1:1 mapping with a functional block on the GPU die, since the registers are named after the subsystem that they are a part of.
There are several hundred different registers across the entire graphics card, so things are necessarily simplified for brevity, at least in Part 1. To be honest, the architecture of this graphics card is too complicated to show in a diagram without simplifying things so much as to be effectively pointless or complicating it to the point of not being useful (I tried!), so a diagram has not been provided.
Fundamental concept: the scene graph
In order to begin this journey through the NVIDIA NV3 architecture, you must understand the fundamental concept of a scene graph. Although the architecture does not strictly implement a scene graph, knowing the concept helps understand how graphical objects are represented by the GPU. A scene graph is a description of a form of tree where the nodes of the tree are graphical objects, and the properties of a parent object cascade down to its children.
This is how almost all modern game engines (Unity, Unreal, Godot…) represent 3D space. A very easy way to understand how a scene graph works is - I am not joking - install Roblox Studio, place some objects into the scene, save it as an RBXLX
file (not the default), and open it in a text editor of your choice. You will see an XML representation of the scene you have created as a scene graph; the only caveat is that on Roblox, the cascading of characteristics from parent nodes to children is optional.
The scene graph is almost certainly the namesake for the functional block actually implementing the 2D and 3D drawing engine that makes the GPU, well, a GPU: PGRAPH
. This part has survived from the very first NV1 all the way to the current Blackwell (RTX 5000) architecture; NVIDIA have never done a ground-up redesign since initial development of the NV1 architecture began in 1993, although the Ship of Theseus argument applies here.
The RIVA 128 is not dependent on the host machine’s clock. It has a 13.5 or 14.3 MHz (depending on boot-time configuration) clock crystal, split by the hardware into a memory clock (MCLK) and video clock (VCLK). Note that these names are misleading; the MCLK also handles the chip’s actual rendering and timing, with the VCLK seemingly just handling the actual pushing out of frames.
The actual clocks are controlled by registers in PRAMDAC
set by the video BIOS, which can later be overridden by drivers. In this iteration of the NVIDIA architecture, the VBIOS only performs a very basic POST sequence, initialises the card and sets its clock speed; once the chip is initialised, the VBIOS is effectively never needed again, although there are mechanisms to read from it after initialisation. Clocks were controlled by card manufacturers through parameters m
, from which the chip derives the final memory and pixel clock speed with the formula (frequency * n) / (m << p)
. Generally, most manufacturers set the memory clock at around 100 MHz, and the pixel clock at around 40 MHz, although drivers seemingly reduce these clocks in some cases.
The chip’s RAMDAC handles final conversion of the digital image generated by the GPU into an analog video signal, and clock generation via three phase-locked loops. It has its own clock (ACLK) running at around 200 MHz on RIVA 128 (revision A/B) and 260 MHz on RIVA 128 ZX (revision C) chips, which unlike the other clocks, was not configurable by manufacturers.
Memory mapping
Before we can discuss any part of how the RIVA 128 works, its memory architecture must be explained, since this is a fundamental requirement to even access the graphics card’s registers in the first place. NVIDIA picked a fairly strange memory mapping architecture, at least for cards of that time. The exact setup of the memory mapping changed numerous times as NVIDIA’s architecture evolved, so only NV3-based GPUs will be analyzed.
The memory mapping is split into three primary components, all exposed via memory-mapped I/O through Base Address Registers (BAR) in PCI configuration space; there is no port I/O support outside of the Weitek core’s registers for SVGA compatibility. The RIVA 128 uses two BARs, both 16 MB in size: BAR0 holding the main GPU registers, and BAR1 holding the DFB
areas (which really refer to overlapping areas of memory).
This is the primary memory mapping area, set up as Base Address Register 0 in the PCI configuration registers. This is how you speak to the GPU: 16 MB (!) of MMIO, mapped at a memory location defined by the system BIOS. Since the video BIOS has no access to PCI services, it instead uses I/O ports 0x3D0
in the Weitek SVGA core, mapped to a mechanism called RMA (Real Mode Access); a 32-bit address is formed by writing to all four RMA registers, then the next read/write to the VGA I/O region is redirected to the MMIO area, allowing the VBIOS to access it from real mode and initialise the GPU.
This MMIO area has numerous functional subsystems of the GPU mapped into it, with some overlap. The actual function of each graphics object will be described later.
Range | Name | Purpose |
0x0-0xFFF |
PMC | Controls the GPU functional units and interrupt state |
0x1000-0x1FFF |
PBUS | Controls the 128-bit internal bus |
0x1800-0x18FF |
PCI mirror | Mirror of PCI configuration registers |
0x2000-0x3FFF |
PFIFO | FIFO buffer for graphics command submission from DMA |
0x4000-0x4FFF |
PRM | Real mode device support (e.g. MPU-401) |
0x6000-0x6FFF |
PRAM | Controls RAMIN area configuration |
0x7000-0x7FFF |
PRMA | Real Mode Access registers |
0x9000-0x9FFF |
PTIMER | Custom programmable interval timer |
0xA0000-0xAFFFF |
PRMFB | Real Mode Framebuffer: emulated VGA video memory |
0xC0000-0xCFFFF |
PRMVIO | Real Mode Video: VGA emulation registers (Weitek) |
0x100000-0x100FFF |
PFB | Framebuffer interface (config, debug, initialisation) |
0x101000-0x101FFF |
PEXTDEV | External Device interface |
0x101000 |
PSTRAPS | Device configuration bits (set at factory) |
0x110000-0x110FFF |
PROM | Video BIOS mirror |
0x120000-0x120FFF |
PALT | External memory access mirror (unknown, possible NV1 remnant) |
0x200000-0x200FFF |
PME | Mediaport: External MPEG decoder interface |
0x400000-0x401FFF |
PGRAPH | 2D/3D graphics engine: Core |
0x410000-0x411FFF |
UBETA | 2D/3D graphics engine: Beta factor object |
0x420000-0x421FFF |
UROP | 2D/3D graphics engine: Render operation object |
0x430000-0x431FFF |
UCHROMA | 2D/3D graphics engine: Chroma key object |
0x440000-0x441FFF |
UPLANE | 2D/3D graphics engine: Plane mask object |
0x450000-0x451FFF |
UCLIP | 2D/3D graphics engine: Clip object |
0x460000-0x461FFF |
UPATT | 2D/3D graphics engine: Blit pattern object (e.g. for BitBLT) |
0x470000-0x471FFF |
URECT | 2D/3D graphics engine: Rectangle object |
0x480000-0x481FFF |
UPOINT | 2D/3D graphics engine: Point object |
0x490000-0x491FFF |
ULINE | 2D/3D graphics engine: Line object |
0x4A0000-0x4A1FFF |
ULIN | 2D/3D graphics engine: Lin (line without starting or ending pixels) |
0x4B0000-0x4B1FFF |
UTRI | 2D/3D graphics engine: Triangle object (possible NV1 leftover) |
0x4C0000-0x4C1FFF |
UW95TXT | 2D/3D graphics engine: Windows 95 GDI text acceleration object |
0x4D0000-0x4D1FFF |
UMEMFMT | 2D/3D graphics engine: Memory to memory format object |
0x4E0000-0x4E1FFF |
USCALED | 2D/3D graphics engine: Scaled image from memory object |
0x500000-0x501FFF |
UBLIT | 2D/3D graphics engine: Blit object |
0x510000-0x511FFF |
UIMAGE | 2D/3D graphics engine: Image object |
0x520000-0x521FFF |
UBITMAP | 2D/3D graphics engine: Bitmap object |
0x540000-0x541FFF |
UTOMEM | 2D/3D graphics engine: Transfer to memory object |
0x550000-0x551FFF |
USTRTCH | 2D/3D graphics engine: Stretched image from CPU object |
0x570000-0x571FFF |
UD3D0Z | 2D/3D graphics engine: Direct3D 5.0 triangle w/zeta buffer11 object |
0x580000-0x581FFF |
UPOINTZ | 2D/3D graphics engine: Point w/zeta buffer11 |
0x5C0000-0x5C1FFF |
UINMEM | 2D/3D graphics engine: Image in memory object |
0x601000-0x601FFF |
PRMCIO | VGA CRTC registers |
0x680000-0x6802FF |
PVIDEO | Video overlay engine |
0x680300-0x680FFF |
PRAMDAC | Video signal generation, cursor, CLUT, clock generation |
0x681200-0x681FFF |
USER_DAC | Optional for external DAC? |
0x800000-0xFFFFFF |
USER | Graphics object submission area (for PFIFO, via DMA) |
is the aptly-named “Dumb Framebuffer”, a linear framebuffer set up as Base Address Register 1 on the NV3 (moved to BAR0 at 0x1000000
on later GPUs). The default size of 4 MB may change depending on VRAM size. This area is presumably meant for manipulating the GPU without using its DMA facilities.
is also located in BAR1. It’s a somewhat complicated area, but also the most important one to understand when it comes to the actual operation of the GPU, as it’s the part of video RAM where graphics objects and structures containing references to them are stored.
This area is effectively the last megabyte of VRAM (regardless of VRAM size), but organized as 16-byte blocks which are then stored from the top down. A RAMIN
address can be converted to a real VRAM address with the formula ramin_address ^ (vram_size - 16)
. I’m not entirely sure why they did this, but I assume it was for providing a more convenient interface to the user and for general efficiency reasons.
A traditional interrupt system is implemented, supporting interrupts issued by different GPU components. PMC
contains an interrupt status register and an interrupt enable register, with one bit for each component (including the eventually-removed PAUDIO
), as well as a software interrupt represented by bit 31; components also have a local status register and enable register, with each bit representing an individual interrupt from that block. If the PMC
interrupt status and enable bits for a given component are both 1, with some minor exceptions to be explained in later parts, an interrupt is declared to be pending and a PCI IRQ is sent.
Interrupts can be turned off globally (or just component interrupts, or just the software interrupt) via the PMC_INTR_EN
Programmable interval timer
Time-sensitive functions are provided by a relatively simple programmable interval timer PTIMER
that fires an interrupt whenever the threshold value (set by the PTIMER_ALARM
) is exceeded in nanoseconds. This is how the drivers internally keep track of many actions that they need to perform, and is the first functional block which must be done right if you ever hope to emulate the RIVA 128.
The least straightforward part of this timer is the counter itself, a 56-bit value split across two 32-bit registers: the lower 27 bits are stored in bits [31:5] of PTIMER_TIME0
, and the upper 29 bits are stored in bits [28:0] of PTIMER_TIME1
Graphics commands and DMA engine
What may be called graphics commands in other GPU architectures are instead called graphics objects in the NV3 and all other NVIDIA architectures. Objects are submitted into the GPU core by writing into the NV_USER
section of the MMIO BAR0 region through programmed I/O. Despite the fact that a custom memory access engine with its own translation lookaside buffer and other memory management structures was implemented for graphics object types that perform memory transfers, it does not seem to be used for graphics object submission until the NV4 architecture. Existing documentation is contradictory on whether or not this exists on the NV3, but drivers do not seem to use DMA to submit graphics objects; if a DMA submission method exists, it certainly works very differently to later versions of the architecture.
There are 8 DMA channels, with the default being channel 0 (also the only channel accessible through PIO?), but only one can be used at a time; using other channels requires a context switch, which entails writing the current channel ID to to PGRAPH
registers for every class. All DMA channels use 64 KB of RAMIN
memory (to be explained later), further divided into 8 KB (0x2000
) subchannels, effectively representing one object; the meaning of what is in those subchannels depends on the type (or class to use NVIDIA terminology) of the object submitted into them, with the attributes of each object being called a method. A simple way to program the GPU is to just create subchannels for specific objects (such as one for text, one for rectangle, and so on) and change their data and methods as the program runs in order to create a graphical effect; however, this is a severely limited approach12, and tapping the chip’s full potential requires the use of context switches between DMA channels, as well as the additional classes implemented in software by the drivers.
All objects have a context, consisting of a 32-bit “name” and another 32-bit value storing its class, associated channel and subchannel ID, where it is relative to the start of RAMIN
, and whether it’s a software-injected or hardware graphical rendering object (bit 31). Contexts are stored in an area of RAM called RAMFC
if the object’s channel is not being used; otherwise, they are stored in RAMHT
, a hash table where the hash key is a single byte calculated by XORing each byte of the object’s name13 as well as the channel ID. Objects are stored in RAMHT
as structures consisting of their 8-byte context followed by the methods mentioned earlier; an object’s byte offset in RAMHT
is its hash multiplied by 16.
The exact set of methods of every graphics object in the architecture is incredibly long and often shared between several different types of objects (although the first 256 bytes and usually a few more after that are shared), and thus won’t be listed in part 1. An overall list of graphics objects can be found in the next section, but note that these are the ones defined by the hardware, while the drivers implement a much larger set of objects that do not map exactly to the ones in the GPU; furthermore, as you will see later, as each object is quite large at 8 KB, only one object does not mean only one (or even any at all - some are used to represent DMA objects, for example) graphics objects are drawn once the object is process. Objects can also be connected together with a special type of object called a “patchcord” constructed by the Resource Manager; the name is a remnant from the old NV1 quad patching days.
After being written to NV_USER
, graphics objects are sent to one of two caches within the PFIFO
subsystem: CACHE0
which holds a single entry (really intended for the notifier engine to be able to inject graphics commands from software), or CACHE1
which holds 32 entries on revisions A-B and 64 on revision C onwards. What these critical components actually do will be explored in full in later parts, but they effectively just store object names and contexts as they are waiting to be sent to RAMIN
; a “pusher” pushes objects in from the bus as they are written into NV_USER
, and a “puller” pulls them out of the bus and sends them where they need to be inside of the VRAM (or to RAMRO
if they are invalid).
Once objects are pulled out, the GPU will simply manipulate the various registers in the PGRAPH
subsystem in order to draw the object (if the object is actually rendered), and/or perform any DMA operations the graphics object may require using the DMA engine. Objects do not appear to “disappear” on frame refresh; instead, it would simply appear that they are simply drawn over, and most likely, any renderer will simply clear the entire screen (with a Rectangle object for instance) before resubmitting any graphics objects they need to render.
can have their sizes, and to some extent their location within RAMIN, configured by registers within the PFIFO
block. RAMHT
can be 4 KB (of questionable usefulness as that cannot fill CACHE1
), 8 KB, 16 KB, or 32 KB in size, while RAMFC is either 512 bytes or 8 KB.
Object list
Any class values not listed here are invalid; in theory, the 5-bit value in the object context allows for 32 classes, but NVIDIA did not implement the full amount, and moved to a different approach (where the classes are somewhat more constructed in software) with the NV4 architecture.
(Beta factor): The beta factor used for blending operations. (combining an output pixel with another pixel to produce a final image)
(ROP5 operation): The Render OPeration used for blending. (e.g. XOR)
(Chroma Key): Similar to a color key used in video editing.
(Plane mask): Seems to be implemented similarly to Chroma Key, not sure what it has to do with planes. (bitplane? 2D plane?)
(Clipping rectangle): A rectangle used for enabling/disabling render operations within a specific region.
(Pattern): Pattern used for bitblit and other blits.
(Rectangle): Up to 16 rectangles with size and position represented as a 32-bit value. (low 16 bits are X, high 16 bits are Y)
(Point): An arbitrary point on the screen. Depending on the methods used to submit the object, this object can take the form of:
- Up to 32 points, each with a single arbitrary 32-bit colour (probably BGRA format) and 16-bit size and position values;
- Up to 16 points, each with a single arbitrary 32-bit colour (probably BGRA format) and 32-bit size and position values;
- Up to 16 points, making up a polygon, with an arbitrary 32-bit colour for each polygon line (probably BGRA format) and 16-bit size and position values.
(Line): An arbitrary line on the screen. Depending on the methods used to submit the object, this object can take the form of:
- Up to 16 lines, each with a single arbitrary 32-bit colour (probably BGRA format) and 16-bit size and position values;
- Up to 8 lines, each with a single arbitrary 32-bit colour (probably BGRA format) and 32-bit size and position values;
- Up to 32 lines, each making up a polygon, with a single arbitrary 32-bit colour (probably BGRA format) and 16-bit size and position values;
- Up to 16 lines, each making up a polygon, with a single arbitrary 32-bit colour (probably BGRA format) and 32-bit size and position values;
- Up to 16 lines, each making up a polygon, with an arbitrary 32-bit colour for each polygon line (probably BGRA format) and 16-bit size and position values.
(Lin): Same as Line, but the starting and ending pixels are not drawn for each line.
(Triangle): A basic (presumably pre-transformed?) 2D triangle. Depending on the methods used to submit the object, this object can take the form of:
- A single triangle with a single arbitrary 32-bit colour and three 16-bit position values for each of the triangle’s vertexes;
- A single triangle with a single arbitrary 32-bit colour for the entire mesh, and three 16-bit position values for each of the triangle’s vertexes;
- A part of a mesh of up to 32 triangles with a single arbitrary 32-bit colour and two 16-bit position values for each of the points on the mesh;
- A part of a mesh of up to 16 triangles with a single arbitrary 32-bit colour and two 32-bit position values for each of the points on the mesh;
- A set of up to 8 triangles with a single arbitrary 32-bit colour for the entire mesh, and three 16-bit position values for each of the triangle’s vertexes;
- A part of a mesh of up to 16 triangles with a 32-bit colour and two 32-bit position values for each of the points on the mesh.
(Windows 95 GDI Text Acceleration): A specialized hardware accelerator for the manner by which Windows 95’s GDI (and its DIB Engine?) renders text. This is a very complicated set of clipping logic that won’t be covered until Part 3; it’s too long for this part, and I don’t fully understand it yet.
(Memory to memory format): Changes the format of a set of pixels in VRAM. Allows for changing the line (vertical size) length, count and pitch of the image.
(Scaled image from memory): Obtains an image from VRAM (in YUV or RGB format) and scales it before displaying it to the screen, performing a bit of differentiation to achieve this. Parameters an output position and size for the final screen as well as an input position or size.
(Blit): Blits an image (a final one made up of 3D polygons or a 2D one) between two different parts of the screen. Has an input and output position and a size.
(Image from CPU): Takes an image from “CPU” (main memory?), optionally scales it, and then displays it on the screen. Parameters are an input size, set of 32-bit colour values and output position and size.
(Bitmap): Similar to Image from CPU, but deals with monochrome or two-colour bitmaps instead, possibly as an optimisation.
(Transfer to Memory): Takes an image from the screen (?) and transfers it to memory. Parameters are a start position offset from VRAM and a pitch, as well as a position and size for the image.
(Stretched image from CPU): Takes an image from “CPU” (main memory?), stretches it using an optional clip region and a little bit of differentiation, and then uses it. Parameters are an input size and a clip region using the same 16-bit coordinate format used by the basic primitive drawing silicon.
(Direct3D 5.0 accelerated triangle with zeta buffer): Seemingly an attempt to implement the Direct3D 5.0 specification to the letter in silicon. Allows for up to 128 triangles to be submitted at a time, with six coordinates:
- The traditional X, Y and Z coordinates used for representing vector values in 3D space
- U and V coordinates for textures. Textures may be uploaded at sizes up to 2048x2048 (only power of two textures are allowed!), but are scaled down to 256x256 during upload, if they are larger.
- An “M” coordinate, apparently a “measurement dimension” used for more precise measurement of real-world distances
Each triangle may have a 32-bit colour value as well. Note that the RIVA 128 is not a multitexture-capable GPU; you can only apply one texture to each batch of 128 triangles, so the implementation of Direct3D in the drivers should attempt to send as many triangles with the same texture to the GPU as the GPU can fit, as closely as possible. If you write applications targeting this GPU, you should try ensuring objects with the same texture add up to close to a multiple of 128 triangles, as the D3D driver’s implementation of this optimisation will improve the efficiency of your renderer.
These triangles, as a group, may have the following effects applied to them:
- “Zeta buffer” (may be similar to the Z-buffer used for polygon ordering, or for mipmapping?)
- “Alpha buffer” (probably for alpha blending)
- Specular highlighting
- Vertex fog (of any 32-bit colour)
- Interpolation between vertex positions (using a zero-order hold, “Microsoft” variant of zero-order hold, or full-order hold implementation)
- Frustum culling clockwise or counterclockwise (discarding triangles, although presumably this would only work in the batch of 128 triangles sent to the hardware for processing)
- Texture UV coordinate wrapping for seamless textures (coordinates can wrap cleanly, be clamped to their “last” pixels or mirror themselves)
(Point with zeta buffer): Similar to Point, but the zeta and alpha buffer can be applied to it too.
When you screw up: RAMRO
Aside from the previously-covered RAMFC
, another important structure is stored in RAMIN
saves the day and prevents the GPU from blowing up if a graphics object you submit is invalid, because after all, nothing is perfect and there are always bugs in code.
During object submission, if the GPU detects that the cache ran out, was turned off, or any kind of illegal access was performed, the submission is not processed; instead, it is sent to a special area of RAMIN
known as RAMRO
(always half the size of RAMHT
), which stores the object, what went wrong, and whether a read or write operation was involved in the error. Additionally, an interrupt is fired so that any drivers running on the system can catch the error and (hopefully) correct it.
register holds the current state of the RAMRO
region, including whether or not any errors have occurred.
was an area used on the NV1 and revision A NV3 chips for storing audio data being streamed into the CPU. On Revision B and later cards, this area is still mapped to MMIO space, but its functionality has been removed entirely.
Interrupts 2.0: Notifiers
Some people at NVIDIA decided that they were too cool for interrupts and thought: why have an interrupt that tells the GPU to do something, when you could have an interrupt that has the GPU tell the drivers to do something? And thus the incredible notifier system was born.
Notifiers appear to have been implemented to allow the drivers to manage GPU resources implemented in software instead of silicon. Every single subsystem in the GPU has a notifier enable register alongside its interrupt enable register, with some having multiple enable registers for different notifier types; notifiers are mostly found within PGRAPH
, but may also exist in other subsystems.
notifiers appear to be intended to work with the object class system, and actually differ - there is basically one “type” of notification depending on the object class, with each object having a set of “notification parameters” that can be used to trigger the SetNotify
method at 0x104
within an object stored in RAMHT
. There is also the SetNotifyCtxDma
method, usually but not always at 0x0
, which is used for context switching. Notifiers appear to be “requested” until the GPU processes them, and PGRAPH
can take up to 16 software and 1 hardware notifier type. Objects are signalled to the driver by directly DMAing into the Resource Manager memory. Notifications are represented by a structure as such:
typedef struct {
struct {
uint32_t nanoseconds[2];
} TimeStamp;
int32_t info32;
int16_t info16;
int16_t status; /* 0xFF (NV_NOTIFICATION_IN_PROGRESS) = pending; 0x00 = complete; others = error */
} NvNotification;
More research is ongoing. It appears that most notifiers are generated by the driver in order to manage hardware resources that they would not otherwise be capable of managing, such as the PFIFO
The final part of the GPU that handles the intricacies of generating a video signal, sets the resolution, and holds a color lookup table for the various modes.
I haven’t looked into this part as much, so expect more information in an update on this part or in future parts of this series. It’s not really super critical to emulate anyway, outside of the clock control portion, as the actual analog video generation part mostly does not apply to emulation.
Next part
The next part will dive into how NVIDIA’s drivers work and how they make this ridiculously complicated mess of an architecture transform itself into a GPU that allows you to run games you may actually want to play. Stay tuned!
Only Matrox is both still around and still in the graphics space, after exiting the consumer market in 2003 and ceasing to design graphics cards entirely from 2014 until their recent comeback with Intel Arc-based products. Cirrus Logic is still around as an audio chip designer, stemming from their acquisition of Crystal in 1991. ↩
Source: Strategic Collaboration Agreement between NVIDIA and SGS-Thomson, originally covering NV1 but later revised to include NV3, apparently part of a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. ↩
S3’s later proprietary API for the Savage family, not to be confused with Apple’s Metal from many years later. ↩
By 1997, SGI had over 15 years of experience in developing graphics hardware, while also suffering from rampant mismanagement and experiencing the start of what would later prove to be their terminal decline. ↩
In the edge interpolation process, a triangle is converted into “spans” of horizontal lines, and the positions of nearby vertexes are used to determine the span’s start and end positions. ↩
To simplify a complex topic, in a GPU of this era, span interpolation generally involves Z-buffering (also known as depth buffering), sorting polygons back to front, and color buffering, storing the color of each pixel sent to the screen in a buffer which allows for blending and alpha transparency. Some GPUs do not implement a Z-buffer and delegate polygon sorting to software instead; examples include the NV1, original ATI Rage and the PlayStation 1’s Geometry Transformation Engine. ↩
David Kirk is perhaps notable as a “Special Thanks” credit on Gex and the producer of the truly unparalleled 3D Baseball on Sega Saturn during his time at Crystal Dynamics. ↩
NVIDIA’s revenue in the first nine months of 1997 was only $5.5 million, but skyrocketed up to $23.5 million in the last three months, corresponding to the first three months of the RIVA 128’s availability, owing to the numerous sales of chips to add-in board partners. ↩
While there are mentions of quality problems with early cards in a lawsuit involving STB Systems, the RIVA 128’s first OEM partner, it is not clear if the problems were on STB or NVIDIA’s end. ↩
Mipmapping is a graphical technique involving scaling down textures as you move away from an object in order to prevent shimmering. ↩
A zeta buffer is NVIDIA parlance for a combined Z-buffer (a buffer within the framebuffer for sorting polygons based on their distance from the camera) and stencil buffer (a buffer for discarding parts of an image). In this case, a 16-bit Z-buffer and 8-bit stencil buffer are interleaved. This evolved to a “super zeta buffer” on later NVIDIA GPUs. ↩ ↩2
NVIDIA have successfully deployed this approach on simpler projects, such as early versions of their Windows NT miniport drivers, before the full Resource Manager was able to be ported. ↩
Object names below 4096 are reserved on NVIDIA’s drivers, which also have the duty to prevent the hash table area from getting full with only basic error handling from the hardware itself. ↩